The 4 Departments of TOTAMS

The 4 Departments of TOTAMS, based on the 4 elements, represent the primary ways that the school seeks to be of service to the world.

The TOTAMS teachings are designed to foster a direct relationship with Great Mystery itself, so that we can each develop greater awareness of our life purpose – the unique role we each have to play in the great unfolding of the One Reality.
Inspired by this quest, we have created a vision of service based on the astrological mandala or medicine wheel. This includes four departments, represented by the four elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air that illustrate four distinct ways in which the TOTAMS paradigm can be accessed and utilized to support the health and development of humanity.

Ceremony, Global Shamanism, and Sacred Sites
Examples of the Earth element include the Matrilineal Indigenous Wisdom, Central and South American Shamanic and Medicine Traditions, Celtic Shamanism, Ceremonial Magic, Priestess and Priest Circles, and Vision Quest Traditions.
This department’s studies and research include indigenous and earth-based traditions around the world. Invariably, most of these groups still emphasize ceremony and a living organic relationship with the As Above, So Below realities, but they may no longer have direct knowledge or relationship with the night sky.
The TOTAMS ceremonial approach, including knowledge and experience of the night sky, synodic planetary cycles, and the Galactic Alignment are offerings that can support these groups. This includes working with stone circles, petroglyph sites, and taking journeys to sacred sites, cosmograms, and hierophanies in the US and around the world.
Earth Reading List:
Curated resources chosen by TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario to further illuminate your understanding of the Fire Element.

Philosophy, Spirituality, and the many paths of Self-Realization
Examples of the Fire element are schools and organizations including the Ridhwan School, Jean Houston’s Mystery School, the wide varieties of tantric organizations, the wide diversity of yoga and meditation practitioners, open-minded churches and religious groups (such as Unity Church, Church of Religious Science, Unitarians, and other liberal Protestant and Catholic groups).
This department’s studies and research are directed toward self-realization, enlightenment, or spiritual fulfillment. TOTAMS honors and recognizes the diversity of authentic paths that each astrological mystery school expresses.
Since TOTAMS is more than astrology, the school can strengthen and complement a chosen spiritual path, or reveal one that had not yet been recognized. The basis for this understanding is that astrology is seen as the highest of the lower mysteries, and TOTAMS recognizes this when supporting the fulfillment of the Higher Mysteries.
Fire Reading List:
Curated resources chosen by TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario to further illuminate
your understanding of the Fire Element.

Healers, Helpers, and Counselors
Examples of the Earth element include the Matrilineal Indigenous Wisdom, Central and South American Shamanic and Medicine Traditions, Celtic Shamanism, Ceremonial Magic, Priestess and Priest Circles, and Vision Quest Traditions.
This department’s studies and research include indigenous and earth-based traditions around the world. Invariably, most of these groups still emphasize ceremony and a living organic relationship with the As Above, So Below realities, but they may no longer have direct knowledge or relationship with the night sky.
The TOTAMS ceremonial approach, including knowledge and experience of the night sky, synodic planetary cycles, and the Galactic Alignment are offerings that can support these groups. This includes working with stone circles, petroglyph sites, and taking journeys to sacred sites, cosmograms, and hierophanies in the US and around the world.
Earth Reading List:
Curated resources chosen by TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario to further illuminate your understanding of the Fire Element.

Astrology and Divination
The Air element is all about research and development in the organic growth of the TOTAMS astrological paradigm. We will continue deepening our understanding of the paradigm and the deeper philosophy of divination, and non-predictive approaches not based on cause and effect.
Training and certification in the TOTAMS Astrology Approach will be a primary focus through our course offerings and Certification tracks. Ongoing events, such as webinars and monthly calls, will continue the flow of ancient wisdom and updated teachings to our core membership and newcomers. The events, new website content (including videos and articles), and the newsletter will keep all interested parties up to date with the current astrological news.
There will also be an ongoing exploration of the relationship between TOTAMS and other astrological organizations. In addition, TOTAMS membership and sales of value-adding products for students, stargazers, and astrologers will offer a closer relationship to both the school and the night sky.
Earth Reading List:
Curated resources chosen by TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario to further illuminate your understanding of the Fire Element.

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